Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Writing Process Blog Tour

Before I begin, I'd like to say....I missed all of you and what a perfect way to relaunch my blog!

I was humbled and honored to be invited by Kaolin, an accomplished author of the book, “Talking About Race,” to participate in the #mywritingprocess blog tour.

Each person participating in this illustrious tour must answer four questions. Hopefully after reading this, all of my #risingIcons will have an informative manuscript of my writing journey. Here we go…

1)      What am I working on? I’m working on a screenplay. I can’t believe my second novel; “A Love I Can Trust” is going to be a film. This is truly a dream come true. When I wrote my first book, I envisioned it as a movie, but the timing wasn’t right. I’m a holistic being and believe things happen as they should - without force, rhyme or reason – the universe miraculously makes the unbelievable a reality. Also, I’m deliberate in my work to grow my radio show, “Sanya On-Air” (www.AllBlackRadio.com, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST) into a force to be reckoned with. In less than a year, I’ve had the most phenomenal guests; guests that I’ve only dreamed of meeting because in my head, they were unreachable people only to be seen on television, in books and in the media.

2)      How does my work differ from others? The execution of my theme of love is unique. I talk about love in a very candid way. Typically I find genders writing and speaking about love in a fantasy type of way. Boy meets girl, girl falls in love and becomes pregnant, and in a few months he might marry her.  Over it! I write about a woman’s evolution of love based on her experiences from childhood to adulthood. These important details are often hidden and yet manifested in her actions and words. So, instead of men always asking, ‘Why?’ I urge them to reconsider ‘Why Not?’ My writing is unapologetic as it boldly discusses issues that are taboo: rape, incest, abandonment, low self-esteem and classism. I feel it’s time to uncover whispers women go to their graves with. They hold on to secrets with a vice grip as if it’s their grandmother’s precious pearls. By having unabashed conversations, maybe, love can be authentic. Instead of a man meeting her representative, let him meet the real you – scars and all.

3)      Why do I write what I do? It’s my therapy. OK, I’m about to have an honest moment (takes deep breath). I’m sick and tired of :

A) Women believing they’ve reached the ultimate level of life’s success when they get engaged or get married. OMG, it sickens me. They never share their stories of what it took to get the ring – a lot of bumpy roller coaster dips and turns – they just show the end result and flaunt a ring like anyone truly cares. Others are just looking at the ring size and equating that with how much he really loves you. Don’t be fooled, Ms. Honey!

B) My blog says it all, Love? I really prefer ice cream! I’m working on establishing myself first and I suggest other women do the same. Who has time to raise a child, further your education or skill-set, stay gainfully employed, sustain entrepreneurship, maneuver thru toxic friends and family members AND keep a man? I’m tired thinking about it! No thank you. I’d rather eat ice cream, it doesn’t talk, is cold for a reason and you don’t mind licking it. LOL. Yaaaaassssss. What’s funny is most would assume I’m single and bitter. Honey puh-leeze, I’ve been in a relationship for many years. And even when I wasn’t, I had fun in my in-between moments.

4)         How does my writing process work?

            1) I think about and write down potential topics or a title

2) I give myself time to have an “ah-ha” moment
3) I go to my favorite place and start writing (without interruptions)

4) Edit

5) Share and ask for feedback from an audience who can relate

6) Make changes if necessary, staying true to Self


Continuing this blog tour during the week of July 30th, I am proud to introduce:

Muriel Demarcus is a self-proclaimed French Yummy Mummy living in London. She was born and bred in France. She began blogging after leaving the corporate world and hasn’t looked back since. Muriel's Blog

Charron Monaye is a Philadelphia native who blogs for CNN. For more than 20 years, she has inspired audiences as a dynamic Songwriter (her song “Commitment” was considered for the 54th Annual Grammy Awards), Poet, Author, Playwright, Journalist and Advocate against Bullying and Domestic Violence. Charron's Blog