Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Misconceptions Women Have About Men

As a woman, I have participated in countless sister-girl circles where we have laughed at our experiences, cried or offered advice when discussing men. These rare moments offer solace to our experiences as we share our thoughts amongst true friends, ride-or-die women and often the dependable shoulder we seek when needing an outlet. You wouldn’t believe the misconceptions we put on the proverbial table to discuss. Here are a few. And scene………….
1.       When cheating it’s all her fault and not his.
Mature women who are confident in themselves know it’s totally his fault. Yeah, the woman may have pursued him, stroked his ego and tickled his fancy (literally) but at the end of the day, he decided to cheat. Mature women may have a conversation with the other woman, but trust and believe any meaningful conversations and actions will be reserved for HIM.
2.       Having fat pockets is equivalent to a generous heart.
Yes, he has money but that doesn’t mean he wants to spend it all on you. Sometimes women look at a man’s bank account and she begins to calculate all of the expensive things he is going to lavish her with. Not true. His money is his money and yours is yours; unless you’re married and I strongly suggest you work out all the financial details prior to saying, “I do.”
3.       When he says, “I love you” he means it.
Ladies, for those of you living in la-la-land, get closer to the screen so my right hand can smack you upside your gullible head. Be leery of men who are quick to profess their love. For some reason they think saying those three words will mean we will give them the nookie. Or, it may mean he is moving too fast and trying to make a commitment before you’re ready. Personal story:  I had a man tell me he loves me in one week. What was he after? Me! To him I was an unattainable prize and he wanted to see how quick he could get me and brag to his friends. Boy was he sorry he came up with that plan.
4.       All men are dogs.
No, they all aren’t dogs. Just the ones breathing LOL. Just joking. Ladies, all men are not dogs. We really need to stop judging them based on the bad experiences we’ve had in the past. Give each new encounter a clean slate. We don’t like to be judged and neither do they.
5.       He wants a submissive partner.
No! He just wants one who is willing to compromise. One who doesn’t nag and breathe fire when he makes a mistake.
6.       Men only want skinny women.
Some men may want a skinny woman however, many love women with curves; just not curves that blurs their vision. I have found most men don’t want a walking poster child for heart disease and high blood pressure due to obesity.

So ladies, am I right about our misconceptions regarding men? Men, did you know we assume these things about you? Now, get on back out there because the way relationships are going many women would rather eat ice cream. Matter of fact, we want to put the ice cream on you! LOL. SMOOCHES

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